March 22, 2010

Weasley & Weasley

Majd' egy éve akarom posztolni ezt./It's waited to be posted almost a year.

Jónéhány „varázsos” csomagolásterv készült kimondottan a legutóbbi Harry Potter film, a Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince számára./Several packaging designs for a host of magical products created specially for the set of the latest Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. (©WarnerBros)
Bővebben a Creative Review site-ján./More on Creative Review's site.

Classics in Lego

Photos by Mike Stimpson/Mike Stimpson fotói
Prints are available here/Itt lehet rendelni

March 21, 2010

Oscars a bit different :: Vanity Fair behind-the-camera video

A behind-the-camera video of the Hollywood photosessions Annie Liebovitz did for Vanity Fair with the cast and directors of ...yeah, pretty much all nominated Oscar movies.

March 10, 2010

Tömörkényesek II./At the school II.

Magda Gergő és Péter
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